Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Oh Baby!

Jake and I just got back from our Fit Babies fitness class. In spite of the name, Jake is not working off his lovely baby chub, it's all about mommy. (Fit Babies is the class for mommies, Fit Bellies is the class for preggos.) Our instructor, Leigh, mentioned that she has room in her Monday morning session that is starting next week, so I just thought I'd give her a bit of a plug here. (Not that I have a big enough audience for that to make a difference, but I'm really enjoying this class, and I really like Leigh, so I'm plugging away anyway.)

We're three classes into this session (I've done a fourth class, a "sample" one before Christmas) and I'm loving it. Leigh is a great instructor. She's a mom herself, and after a sedentary first pregnancy, and still having the "baby weight" three years after the birth of her son, she got fit, got active, became a fitness instructor herself, and started Oh Baby Fitness. She maintained her fitness level through the birth of her daughter, and is helping other mommies.

The class is great. She works us pretty hard. We start with cardio, and she always shows a few different intensity options (there are moms with TINY babies in our class. I'm talking 6 weeks old when we started! Those girls are awesome. I, on the other hand, have no excuse at 7 months postpartum, and try to keep up at the highest intensity. I certainly have the highest intensity of colour in my face during the class!) For the cardio session, the babies chill on mats, playing with their toys. The really little ones doze in their car seats. Some of the older babies are moving, and we all keep an eye out for them, as they can sometimes get underfoot. It's a bit crazy, but so FUN! And like Stars and Strollers, everyone has a baby, so no one cares if there's some crying, or if you have to stop to soothe or feed your little one.

After cardio, we do some "weights". Usually by this point, the babies are ready to be picked up, so we use them as our weights. Jake was at the doctor yesterday for his shots, and he weighs 18 pounds. Big boy! So this is fun. We hold the babies for squats and lunges, and do bicep curls and shoulder lifts with them. Leigh is really good at making sure everyone keeps proper form, even with a baby in our arms.

Finally, we do some work down on the mats. We get in a big circle, alternating mommies and babies on mats, for some leg lifts and ab work, ending with stretching. When we're done, everyone grabs a snack, several of us are usually feeding by that point, and we stay in the circle for a discussion. We've had a guest speaker from Talking Hands talk about infant sign language, last week we discussed daycare options (those of us with older kids did most of the talking about what is out there locally) and this week we talked about how life has changed. I think next week our topic is postpartum bodies - how THOSE have changed. Happily, this postpartum body is starting to make me smile again. I've still got a way to go before I can fit into all my lovely work clothes, but I'm feeling strong and capable these days, which is great.

Jake has done really well for the classes. In fact, the first class we tried out, he slept through most of it! This class starts at 10:15, which is usually his morning nap time. We drop Owen at Patty's house a little later than normal, then head to the gym for 10. This give me time to get him settled and nurse before class starts. He naps in the car while we do the running around, but won't nap in class. Luckily for me, we've always been in the "cool down" portion of the cardio before he's lost it and needed to be picked up, so I've been able to "cool down" with him in my arms. He loves to laugh in my face as I'm lifting him, and loves to snuggle in to my chest for squats, so after those cuddles, he's quite happy to sit right next to me on the mat for the end. Not sure how things will go once he starts moving, but so far, so good!

So, if you're interested in a great mommy workout that's fun and baby-friendly, I highly recommend Leigh and Oh Baby Fitness. (Um, I'd probably recommend her for a pre-natal workout too, but I have no direct experience with those.) And if you're not in KW, but you're a mommy who thinks this class sounds like a good idea, google "Post Natal Fitness" for your city - chances are, there's a similar type of class near you. (Although you won't have as great an instructor as I do. Just kidding!)

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