Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mystery Plague

Great return on me, hmmm? Well, I am just chock-full (is that hyphenated?) of excuses. Let's say that I had walking pneumonia (well, probably not, since it's clearing up without antibiotics, but how weird was it to roll over in bed and hear my lungs groan? Steve thought my stomach was always rumbling - it was my LUNGS creaking away! That's what I get for running with a cold. As of today, no more lung-grumbling, no more fatigue, lots of coughing, sounding worse and feeling better than I have in days.) So, lots of extra sleep every chance I had, not much time for writing. And then, Jake.

Hoo boy. He is the happiest sick kid ever, since well, Owen. Jake's been throwing up since Saturday night. That's right, Happy Valentine's Day, Mommy. (He made it himself. Ew.) I put him to bed, and a few hours later, heard his hungry cry. Went in to get him, and put my hand in a puddle when I went to pick him up - yuck! Poor babe - even had puke in his ear! He wasn't upset, until I turned on the light to change his pjs and sheet. (Poor Steve was sound asleep in Owen's room, I had to go in and wake him for his help.) A few hours later, same thing. And then on and off throughout the weekend. No fever, no other symptoms at all - still happy, still playing, still full of energy, just once in a while, when his tummy was full, bleah.

Jake's on solids now, but I hadn't introduced anything new this past week. He had rice cereal and peas/carrots mush for dinner on Saturday, again, nothing new, so I don't think it was food, but I haven't given him any more solids yet. He's been back to just breastfeeding, and as long as I keep the feeds small, he's fine. But when he eats a lot, he's sick. Because of no other symptoms, I didn't call the doctor's office until today. Yesterday he was only sick once, so I said that if he was through the night without getting sick, that would be it. Four o'clock in the morning, I go in to feed him, and am dozing in the rocking chair. I'm not paying attention to how much he's eating (I'm barely even aware that I'm in the room, actually) until he throws up all over me. Yuck.

Today I talked to the doctor's office. I really didn't want to take him in - he was keeping some breastmilk down, having lots of wet and dirty diapers, and really, except for the occasional episode of vomiting, was his normal, happy self. But I have that little voice that lurks in the back of every mom's head, telling me, What if it IS something? What if something turns out to be horribly wrong with the baby, and then I become that cautionary tale about the mom who's baby was throwing up for THREE DAYS and she never even thought to call the doctor....

Anyway, I'm glad I called, because I feel better. They were more than willing to see him right away today, but I decided to give him another 24 hours. Apparently there's a flu bug going around. Owen and I both had the flu shot - I am 100% positive that what I've had the past few days is NOT flu, and Owen's fine. Steve's fine too, no thanks to the flu shot, but I'm inclined to think this is what Jake has. And the doctor's assistant reminded me that the first time Owen was sick, he was perfectly happy too, except for the throwing up. (I remembered that, but it's nice that THEY remembered too!) Anyway, they're happy to see us tomorrow too if I call and need to come in, but Jake's been fine today (two runny, messy diapers, but that could be just being back on straight breastmilk again too). If he makes it through the night too, I'll feel relieved and like we're definitely over this. Cross your fingers for us!

p.s. Cautionary tale: Saturday during the day, before any sign of sickness, I was changing a diaper with a tiny poop inside. While I was changing him, Mr. Play-Doh Fun Factory decided to give a gift that kept on giving! He kept trying to poop on me, and let's say that I went through a clean diaper, a handful of wipes, and eventually just had to let the change pad catch the end of things. I told him that was the most disgusting thing he had done to me in his entire life. Less than 12 hours later the kid throws up on me. Make of that what you will.

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