Thursday, May 31, 2007

Vampire Nubbins and Power Tools

Okay, still waiting on some pictures, I don't know if Steve's installed the camera software on the new laptop yet, and I know we don't have our email stuff transferred over yet, so I'm mostly still on the old computer these days so I can get email, but that means no pics. Sorry (for the run-on sentence as much as for the lack of cutie photos!)

Anyway, just another quick note to let everyonw know that Owen finally has two more teeth coming in. Those two front bottom guys must have been getting pretty lonely! He's getting his upper eye-teeth, the pointy vampire ones. Of course, they've only just broken through, so they're tiny little nubs right now, but I think the middle uppers better come in soon, otherwise he's going to look pretty funny!

And today our fence posts are being put in, so we'll be able to start building Owen's Fence. We figure that by next year, he'll probably be able to get the back screen door open by himself, and if he wanders in to the backyard, at least he'll stay put! :) It will also keep the next door neighbours' dogs out of our yard - they're not great at cleaning up after them, and let them run out without always watching to be sure they stay in their yard. So it will be nice to know they're not in ours anymore. And fence building means drilling, and nail gun use, both of which are lots of fun! Yay for power tools! Cheers!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Ball! Dog! Ball! Dog!

So, Owen is talking. And very nearly walking! And sleeping through the night, EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. He's the most amazing baby in the whole wide world. :)

He has a four-word vocabulary, of Mama, Dada, ball and dog. He actually says many more things, but those are the only four words we get in context every single time. We've also heard him say "ya", "no" and a few other choice words (yesterday we were in Rona, and he got excited about seeing another little baby, a girl. He smiled at her, and she giggled at him. Then he pointed at her and said "ho". Steve and I had a very serious talk with Uncle Jamie when we got home about what he's been teaching Owen!!) He's also becoming a very good mimic, so that sometimes if you say a word, he'll mimic the sounds, even if he doesn't get them quite right. A few times, I've been chatting with people and he's copied the sounds of a word they've said. They stop, look at him and ask, "did he just say (whatever they said)?" It really does sound like he's talking, but like I said, there's only the four words in context every time. In the meantime, he gets SO excited when he can tell us that he sees a ball or a dog, and you would not believe the commotion when he sees a dog WITH a ball.

He's so close to walking, he'll toddle along with you only holding on with one hand, and he's been cruising furniture for months now. He's very steady on his feet, standing to play with toys, and even squatting down to pick something up and then getting back upright without falling down/over. Baby gates were already up throughout the main floor, and last week I installed the one at the top of the stairs (involved a couple of two-by-fours, lots of drilling, plastic zip ties, and protective vinyl, but it's up, it's solid, and our lovely wooden posts will be undamaged when it comes down).

The sleeping is going so well. We put him to bed, sometimes we have to leave him to fuss a bit before he'll lie down even though he's tired, but once he lies down and snuggles his bears, he drifts off and then stays down for 11 hours or so. One night I went in to check on him, and I tripped on the rug. My stumbling must have woken him, because he sat up. I quickly ducked down where he couldn't see me, and he looked around a bit, grabbed his bear, lay back down, and talked himself back to sleep. So yay for Owen putting himself back to sleep if he does wake up in the night! I was hoping he'd be sleeping right through before I went back to work (and there were times when I seriously doubted that was going to happen!) so I'm very happy.

He gives "high five" now (multiple fives, he'll stand there and whack your hand all day if you let him) and if you say to him, "who's number one?" he'll hold up one finger for you. He's very good at letting us put sunscreen on him, and at wearing his sun hat, but he wants nothing to do with his sunglasses.

And best of all, Owen gives kisses! But his idea of a kiss is to blow a raspberry on your cheek. Or your arm. Or leg. Actually, he'll take any part of you he can reach if he's feeling affectionate. So they're quite slobbery, but they could not be any more adorable.

We're starting to think about the first birthday party. (I can't believe it!) I'm working on the invitations right now, but I get sad thinking that Auntie Kris and Uncle Ryan aren't going to be there. :( But we'll try to have fun anyway. And I will try to post more regularly, for those of you still trying to follow along at home. :P Cheers!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Eight, Nine, Ten

That was going to be the title of the post, referring to the 8K race I was training for, Owen turning 9 months old, and me being off work for 10 months. But then Owen got really sick, and I haven't updated in a while, and now he's nearly 10 months old! We also ran out of space on our old computer (7 year old laptop, lots of games and pictures, not a lot of harddrive room.) We finally bought our new computer on the weekend, and I'll be able to upload pics and, more importantly, videos again!

Owen had the flu, poor baby was throwing up and having very yucky diapers for nearly a week. Although, I have to say that he was very considerate, only throwing up on me, not on the carpet or in his crib. He would wait until I picked him up, and then BLEAH, all over Mommy. Even with all of that, I didn't get sick. Poor Papa did, but I was spared.

But, he's all better now, and back to his regular Cheeri-O self. He's crazy with the crawling, into everything, and he's FAST. Even with his crazy one-knee-one-foot crawl he does on the ceramic tile (doesn't get enough traction with two knees on the hard surface). I have to post these adorable pictures I got of him standing at the baby gate:

Owen got sick right before my big run, and I didn't run for nearly two weeks while waiting to be sure he was better. I did get back into workout mode the week before, and it was enough. I was very proud of myself, my goal was to finish in under an hour, and I did it in just under 55 minutes. My friend Kristyn ran her first race ever, she did the 3K, in about 22 minutes. AND she did it pushing her daughter Abby in the stroller the whole way! I run with Owen during the week, but he waited with Papa while I ran. I am so proud of Kristyn, she's only been running since November, and now she's talking about doing a 5K! Getting out there and just doing it is a big part of running - there's a huge mental aspect that you just have to get around, and she's totally done it. :)

And as for nine months old and ten months off work, well, they're not relevant anymore, so moving on to the next post! :)