Sunday, February 22, 2009

Great News!

In the Good Things Do Happen To Good People file, we just found out yesterday that friends of ours who have been trying for a baby for a very long time are pregnant! Three months pregnant, actually, and due in early September. (M&M for those of you who know them). Hooray! It is spectacularly wonderful news. Especially in light of the fact that they had an appointment to see a fertility specialist this month to start looking into treatment options. (She had been on Clomid for 6 months, with no results, so this would have been...more than that.)

(I remember just after having had Owen, commenting to this friend that maybe she'd have her first when I had my second, and we could be pregnant together! She laughed and said that while they were waiting, they weren't planning on waiting that long. They're going to be such great parents; it's extra exciting when you know how lucky a little baby is to be joining such a wonderful, loving couple!)

They're also the first of our close friends to also be going with a midwife option, which is great. Her sister was with the same practice we were (I believe her midwife was Amanda) and they've requested the same midwife. Steve was singing the praises of the midwives to our daddy-to-be friend all evening - I'm so glad that our experiences were not only so positive for me, and our boys, but for him as well. Who would have thought that Steve would become a midwifery advocate?

There is good baby news all over the place in our friends' lives. Another couple we know, who were unable to have kids, decided over the summer to begin looking into adoption. They now have three beautiful little ones (two boys and a girl, all siblings) that have been with them for nearly a month now. There were 41 couples interested in adopting these lucky little ones, and our friends are now a proud mama and papa to three under 3! (Good lord how crazy would that be! But I guess if you don't know any different.... Again, we're just so, so happy for them!)

And another girlfriend of mine, who is a wonderful mommy and always wanted a lot of kids but thought her family expansion might have to be put on hold for a while, is expecting a little surprise JuneBug! She just found out he is a boy, and I'm excited to pass on lots of our boy stuff to her, since it's the right season for it all. (She has a daughter who is Owen's age.) Babies, babies, and more babies, blessings everywhere. Life is wonderful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay, tell M&M I am so excited for them! That is wonderful news :)
~ Kris