Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ow, ow, OW!

It's the good kind of sore, but owie! Getting back in shape is never fun. I totally thought I'd be up for the Refridge-Eighter in February, but I'm just not getting back up to 8K in time. I'm sitting solidly at 4, and you know what? I'm okay with that.

I'm really only getting in one good run a week. Tuesdays Jake and I are doing Mommy and Me aerobics, Wednesdays is StrollerFit (where we run, but not exclusively) and Thursdays is when I'm at the track. Saturdays I'm trying to get in an outdoor run, but with both boys having colds, a mommy who gets up a million times a night is a mommy who opts for the nap instead of the run. (Even though I KNOW I'll feel groggy after the nap, and awesome after the run. But I'm all about living in the present. And the here-and-now is that a nap will feel better than getting on my shoes.)

And in the evenings, if there hasn't been a run or a fitness class in my day, I'm getting my 90's on with Billy Blanks and Tae-Bo. (Did you know that TAE-BO also stands for Total Awareness and Excellent Body Obedience? Just one of the many inspiring things I've learned from Billy while paying attention to his patter. I have to say, out of all the workout videos I've ever had, I love Billy the best. He makes mistakes, which I LOVE, since it makes him human. And I've never felt so cheered on in something. And I love his relationship with daughter Shellie. They have so much fun. Seriously, Tae-Bo - for a workout that DOESN'T make you feel inadequate!)

So, that's the fitness schedule for the next little bit. As weather picks up, so will running. And I'm VERY excited to be able to get my bike out this year, since by then, Jake will be big enough for the trailer. Can't wait to see how Owen and Jake do together in the bike trailer for rides. (Mental note: must get helmet for Jake.) Valerie and I are talking about training for a Triathlon again. (Did I post that here or on Facebook? We did a Try-a-Tri when Owen and Sadie were 14 months old: 375m swim, 10K bike, 2.5K run. It was awesome! I was top 20 for my age group.) I am determined to get back into my nice work clothes again, so even though it hurts, right now, I'm am relishing the reminder from muscles that have gotten little use over the past few months.

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