Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday's List of Ten III

Ten things I have fixed with the superglue I paid $0.88 for just before Christmas:

10. Christmas ornament (big surprise!)

9. Peter Sam's funnel (One of Owen's engines).

8. The dial on the Crock Pot.

7. The nobbly-thing on the teapot lid that keeps the lid from falling off the pot when you pour tea. (Broke when the teapot leapt, kamikaze-style, from the cupboard one afternoon during that week of really cold weather. I think it had had all the boiling water it could take. I caught the pot, but the lid landed on the tiles.) (Also, does this nobby thing have a name?)

6. The barrel car. (Another one of Owen's train accessories).

5. Mater's tow cables. (Owen's hotwheels-sized Mater is diecast, but the tow rigging is plastic. After having it pop off several times, glue to the rescue!)

4. The lid (down) on Jake's piano. (Seriously, this toy needs a handle! The lid is just pegged on, and Owen lifts it off every time he goes to move it.)

3. A birthday card. (This wasn't "fix" so much as "make", but my gluestick was dried up!)

2. Wooden picture frame (that had cracked from the dryness of our old house).

1. Owen's @#$%! plastic train track. (Okay, I haven't done this yet, but as soon as I get a scrap piece of plywood, I will be. Who buys a two-year old a snap-together plastic engine rollercoaster that unsnaps if you look at it wrong?? I'm gluing the whole thing together, and then to the piece of wood.)

Because superglue is all about peace of mind. :) (Heh, at first I typed "of ming". Funny, because you know, Ming.)

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