Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday's List of Ten II

Ten things I miss:

10. Buffy. I miss this show. I have DVDs, but it's not the same thing. I already know they got the mustard out.

9. Shamrock shakes. Lion, lamb, who cares as long as March gets here soon so I can get me some minty-flavoured goodness!

8. My short, strawberry blonde hair. I enjoyed this look, but I could never pull it off today (not thin enough for the short do.) Also, way too much maintenance to handle these days.

7. Scrabble at the Bomber. Those were the days: endless free time, 50 and bar lime, sun on the patio, and me, using the excuse "Who's the English major here? Me or you?" to cheat and win.

6. Our dog, Paw. He was so good with kids, I would have loved to see him with the boys. And it was so nice to have a big Rottie to cuddle by the fire when the weather was cold! (This is as maudlin as I'm going to get - I'm a sappy enough mess these days without actually getting into deceased family/friends that I miss. Let's just skip no. 5 and let it stand for all of them, without my having to get into it.)

4. My teenage metabolism. Oh, to be able to eat whatever I wanted, and not work out, and still look good. I only have to urge to tell teenagers that "these are the best years of your life!" when I see them in the food court.

3. Our first home. I do NOT miss the leaking roof and foundation, but we did a lot of work there to fix it up. There were a lot of good times there, and I'm sad it got torn down, and no one is enjoying it anymore.

2. Bathroom privacy. Steve and I are not an "open door" couple. (Just one of the ways we keep the romance alive after 11 years, I guess.) But that doesn't cut it for Owen. Even if I do lock the door, can it really be considered privacy if there's a toddler screaming and banging to be let in?

1. And on the note of my boys, the number one thing I miss is waking myself up. I don't miss sleep, I'm not that sleep deprived. But it is a rare occasion when I wake up on my own, instead of being woken up. If it's not Jake, it's Owen. If it's not Owen, it's Steve's alarm. I miss waking up feeling rested, instead of feeling a surge of adrenalin. Nothing says "fight or flight" like a yell in the night, even after all this time.

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