Sunday, March 01, 2009

Lightbulb Moment

Let's say you're two years old. You are trying really, really hard to understand how this wild and crazy world works. Patterns and predictability are things that help, and you expect current situations to play out similar to past ones.

Let's say that when you go to Grandma's house to play, and you like one of her toys, she will often give it to you as a bribe to take home. And let's say that last weekend at Lily's birthday party, you had lots of fun playing cars, and your Uncle Steve gave you a few (of the several hundred in his collection) to take home with you.

Is it any wonder then that you would throw a kicking, screaming tantrum when leaving Olivia's party yesterday when you were informed that you could not bring your favourite of Nathan's toys home? It shouldn't have been, I suppose, but it takes me a bit sometimes to figure out how your little two-year old mind works. I figured it out in time to explain it to you in the car on the way home, and I think you get it now. But in the meantime, everyone else just thinks you had too much cake and excitement. (Contributing factors to the scale of the tantrum, but definitely not the triggers.) Man, what a confusing place the world must be when you're two!

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