Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Welcome to my world...

Well, I probably should have done this some time ago, but better late than never. This blog is a way for all my distant friends and family (and boy, there sure are a lot of you. Why do so many people I love have to live so far away??) to all get updated at once as we get closer to The Big Day. June 24th, 2006 - the day the Prince or Princess of Howieland, aka the JuneBug will make his/her appearance.

(Maybe I should insert an aside here that yes, Steve and I are kind of nerds, and refer to our home/car/anywhere we are in charge as "Howieland". As in, these are the rules of Howieland, we are the King and Queen of Howieland, and so on and so forth.)

Since this is my first post, I'm going to keep it short, so I can play around with settings and stuff. Stay tuned for pics of me at the start of my 6th month, and pics of the JuneBug's room (currently under decoration.) Welcome, and cheers.

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