Thursday, April 02, 2009

Share and share alike

Okay, so like all parents of toddlers, we've constantly been drilling home the "sharing" lesson since before Owen could even comprehend it. We've come a long way with him, and he pretty much gets it. He knows that sharing is good, especially sharing when someone has nothing, and that sometimes we even have share things that are special to us. When you're 2, even M&Ms are special to you, so this has been a tricky one. But the kid's finally got it.

Last weekend, after a Family Shower (yes, we have a really big shower in the master bathroom, and sometimes the most efficient way to get everyone out the door in the morning is to just all get in there together. It's chaos lots of fun!) Owen was running around upstairs, enjoying being "naked without a diaper". (It's potty-training leverage - the kid LOVES to be naked, but since he hasn't been potty trained, we usually insist he has to be naked-with-a-diaper. Since he's getting better at using the potty, he gets to be naked-without-a-diaper now. Woo hoo!)

I was dressing Jake, and Owen came running in:

Owen: Here I am mommy!

Mommy: There you are. Are you going to get dressed?

O: (running from the room) NO! I'm naked without a diaper! I'm running with my penis!

M: ??? (He was running down the hall, so I wasn't entirely sure I'd properly heard that last part. Does that really require a response? I didn't think it did.)

O: (running back into the room) Mommy, you want to run around with your penis?

M: No thanks Owen. Remember, Mommy is a girl. Mommy doesn't have a penis. Only boys like Daddy, and Owen, and Jake have them.

O: (stops dead in his tracks as he considers this, then gives me a big smile) You can share my little penis, Mommy!

Well, it doesn't get much more "special" than that, does it?

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