Friday, March 23, 2007

On the Move, New Baby Makes Three!

It's official, Owen started crawling on St. Patrick's Day. And is he ever getting speedy! He loves to move, he'll crawl over to something, pull himself up on it, and then walk along it. He's been walking along behind his little push-car for about a week longer than crawling, so it's nice he took the time to actually learn how to get from one standing-assistance thing to another.

Meanwhile, it makes him a whole lot of fun to try and change or dress, because now all he wants to do is go, go, go! Here's a picture of him walking with his car, it's harder to get a crawling picture, because when he sees the camera, he sits down on his bum to reach for it! I'll have one soon....

And the third in our trifecta of new little cousins arrived on the 22nd! Lucas John Weber arrived, weighing in at 7 pounds 5 ounces. Owen is so very excited that this baby was a boy, since he'll have a little buddy to play with! A photo of the lovely Lucas:

Very exciting stuff. Welcome Lucas, we're so glad you're here!

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