Friday, February 09, 2007

Howieland gets the Plague

Ugh, we have just had a bout of yucky sickness here in Howieland, and we're not sure where it came from. Owen and I travelled to Barrie last weekend for Owen's Grandma's and Great-Grandma's birthday celebration. We drove up Friday night, and he was an angel. I brought his lullaby CD, and left around bedtime. He slept for about an hour, woke up and "talked" to himself for a bit, and then fell asleep for the rest of the drive. He was a complete ham the entire time we were at Grandma and Grandpa's, playing, "talking", and being full of general cuteness. Sunday morning we were supposed to have a quick visit, maybe some cake, and then head home after lunch in time for Owen's first SuperBowl with Daddy (the Bears are Daddy's team. Yes, he's getting over their loss, thanks for the concern.)

Unfortunately, I woke up feeling just awful on Sunday. Just as I was about to wake my mom, she was already up and coming down the stairs, and I made it back to bed just in time. I ached all over, and my stomach couldn't keep anything down. Luckily Owen is really good with baby food and cereal now, so I nursed him a few times, but Grandma and Grandpa were able to handle everything else, including a short trip to Great-Grandma-and-Grandpa's place, so the birthday celebration went on without me. (Not that I cared, at that point. The high point of my day was eating an apple.) And Owen didn't seem to miss me that much, although he gave me a few looks like, Mama, get out of bed and play with me!

Monday I was feeling much better, and we were out of diapers, so even though there was a lot of blowing snow, Owen and I hit the road at naptime. He took a good nap, and then we stopped in Fergus when he woke up to have some lunch. I went to the McDonalds, because I know they have high chairs. I had some apple slices and a bottle of water, and Owen ate his green beans. And happily shared them through a big gummy grin with everyone who happened to walk by. That was our messiest meal ever - good thing they package the high chairs with wet naps!

Come Wednesday night, Steve came home from school not feeling at that great, and by dinner time, it was pretty clear that he had what I had had. (Which was weird, since it was so much later). I did my best to take care of him, including calling his vice-principal, taking dictation on some notes for a supply teacher, and delivering the notes before school the next day (with Owen, of course). He was feeling much better by end of day yesterday, and was back at work today.

And Owen? Not even a runny nose. He's been a drooly baby the last few days, but healthy as can be. So all in all, no complaints. And I was happy that I was at my parents' house when I was sick, but if Steve and I can arrange that kind of sickness and recovery time between each of us getting sick on all successive illnesses, then one of us will always be well to look after Owen! :)

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