Monday, December 04, 2006


Well, Owen reached another milestone yesterday. After putting him in his fourth outfit for the day following three blowouts, I finally had to admit that he has outgrown his Swaddlers, and move him into the next size of diapers. He's in the Cruisers now, no more soft little baby diapers. :( And all those blowouts - I have a feeling he's started teething in earnest now, since a "runny bum" is one of the signs.

We weren't able to have our play date with Nathan last week, because the poor little guy has pinkeye. We hope he's better soon, because Owen misses him! We did get to play with Jack, Ella and Ailish, however, which was lots of fun. I should say, that we were able to lie on our tummy, and have Jack, Ella and Ailish play around us. Owen's not much for playing with yet these days, he's more with the "playing at". He's very good at getting sat upon, and likes to be petted. Glad to be doing our part to help his soon-to-be-big-sisters friends Ella and Ailish practice being "gentle" with babies. :) Of course, mommy forgot her camera, but here's a picture from the last time all these little guys got together:

Pretty cute, no?

In other news, Owen FINALLY started rolling over again yesterday. He did it several times while I was out of the room - I'd leave and he'd be on his back, and I'd come back in and he'd be on his front. I tried coaxing him, bribing him with toys just out of reach, nada. Then Steve came home, and coaxed him a little bit, and he did it with both of us watching. Yay!

And on the teething front, no little white bumps in the mouth yet, but we are chewing on absolutely anything and everything that we can get our little hands on. Including trying to eat the yellow bell on his exersaucer (which isn't really a saucer, but if I call it the "Intellitainer" like it says on the box, people are like, huh?) Here's a pic of Owen in it, see how big the bell is??? It's more like a bell pepper, but Owen loves to "bob" for it.

He loves to play in there, because he loves standing up. It was a gift from the River Sisters, Krista, Julie and Summer, my good friends from high school. And speaking of them, Krista just had another beautiful baby boy! Congratulations Krista! Lots of babies coming for Owen to practice HIS "gentle" skills on one day. (One day. No more babies in the works for us for the time being!) Cheers!

1 comment:

Stef said...

Cari, Owen is the cutest baby I've ever seen. I honestly think that, and I've never even seen him in the flesh. He's absolutely gorgeous! You and Steve are very lucky parents, I think!! And it sounds like you're making the most of this first year with him, too - it's great to hear so many stories. I hope you guys have a good winter - looking forward to seeing snowsuit pictures :)