Thursday, January 11, 2007

Happy New Year, Owen is 6 months old!

I haven't been able to update for a while, Steve updated our virus software, and it changed our computer settings and messed me up for logging into this page. But it's all sorted out now, yay! Glad so many people like the video of Owen NOT rolling, I still don't have any rolling on video, since he prefers to sit up these days, he's not spending much time rolling around. Instead, he's practicing launching himself forward from a sitting position. He's also gotten up on hands and knees a few times, but no rocking, so crawling is still a ways away.

We had an absolutely wonderful Christmas! Owen was very spoiled by all his loving grandparents, and we even got to see all of them on Christmas Day, which was great. Here are a few pics:

Owen with his Grandma and Grandpa Rastas:

Opening presents with Mommy and Daddy:

Under the tree at Nana Howard's house:

A few days before Christmas, we went over to Auntie Erica and Uncle Marty's to visit. Her family was visiting, so it was nice for them to get to play with Owen. And Nathan was too cute. He just wanted to hold Owen all the time: "Up Baby Owen. Up Baby Owen!" And he was very good at sharing his toys, even though I don't think he understood why Owen didn't want to play with all his fun stuff. Just you wait, Nate. Before you know it, you'll be upset because Owen (and not to mention the Pea!) will be all up in your stuff!

Big hug from Cousin Nathan:

Owen's cutie hat made for him with love by Auntie Erica!

What sweet boys! Heh, someday they'll be surly teenagers, and we'll show them these pictures and tell them how cute they were as babies. Hee.

New Years was lots of fun, Steve and Rachelle and Lance and Jill came over with their little ones. All the little ones settled down to sleep without any trouble, and we had lots of fun eating, chatting, playing Rummoli, and eating. (Did I mention the eating? We had so much yummy food, it was great!)

And now Owen is 6 months old. He's started eating cereal, which has been a huge hit from the start. He gobbled it up right from the beginning, eating every bite, nothing getting pushed back out! He's so excited to eat, he even grabs onto the spoon and helps guide it into his mouth. I think the next video we post will definitely have to be an Owen Eats video, but I think we'll wait until he's having something a little more colourful, like maybe carrots! (Which he'll get starting next week.)

Still no luck getting him to take a bottle, but we are having limited success with the sippy cups and, more recently, a sippy with a straw. He really likes to have water from his straw-cup, so that comes with us when we go out now.

Speaking of going out, Owen and I have lots on the go now that the New Year is here! On Mondays, we have his swimming lessons again. Tuesdays and Thursdays are Stroller Fit, we meet up with a group of other moms and babies, and one of the moms, who is a personal trainer, works us very VERY hard. (It's awesome!) Thursdays we also have BabyTime at the library (songs, playtime, and a story) and on Fridays, we're starting a new swimming class - it's water aerobics for mommy while Owen floats along next to me. I'm looking forward to it! Owen's gotten fairly regular in his napping, so although our days are full, he's still a very Cheeri-O. He loves going grocery shopping now too: he's outgrown his little bucket car seat, so instead of sitting in that while I shop, he rides in the front carrier. He loves being able to kick his feet, (and trying to grab things off of shelves if I get too close!) and he LOVES the attention he gets from everyone. We have a lot of fun. Daddy and Owen had lots of fun doing their Christmas shopping together over the holidays (and mommy enjoyed having some me time to herself!) Now Steve's back to work, and we're counting down to March Break.

In addition to all of that, we're still trying to run a few times a week. It's been six months, and while I feel pretty good about what I was able to accomplish before we went to Mexico, I still have a long way to go before I'll feel like I'm back to myself. I'm able to do about 4 km with Owen and the stroller, and just over 6 km regularly on my own. There is an 8 kms race (not that I "race", but it's nice to have a goal!) towards the end of February that I would like to do, but we'll see how often we can run over the next few weeks, and whether I'll be able to add 2 km of distance in 5 weeks. (I was running 8 kms a few times a week when I was at my running peak, so I know I can do it, it's just a matter of getting there.) At the very least, I'm looking forward to doing the ENDURrace this April: a 5 K run one weekend, and 8 the next. Back in 2004, it was my first race (although I only did the 5 K) and I haven't done it since. I think a few of the other StrollerFit mommies are interested, so I hope to have some partners to train with! So that's my New Year's resolution: to do the ENDURrace. If I make it, then maybe we'll aim for a 10 k after that. Wish me luck! :)

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