What a cutie pie, yes? And still good as gold. He's having a nap at the moment - he's on a rotating routine of approximately 3 hours. He wakes, eats, plays, naps, and then repeats every 3 hours or so until he's down for the night. He gave us a few cranky days when he was 6-7 weeks old, because up until then he was falling asleep as soon as he got tired. Now he needs a little help, but now that we've figured that out, we give him some "quiet time" and off he drifts. He's napping much better now too, giving me 45 minutes to over an hour with each nap, and only the occasional short cat-nap, which is nice. And he's gone from waking once-or-twice through the night to only waking once, so we've got high hopes for sleeping through the night by three months.
He's still in our room, but that may be changing shortly now that Steve is back to work - he needs his rest at night! Now that school has started again, we miss Papa during the day. We've started giving Owen a bottle (of expressed breastmilk) once every evening, so he and Papa can have some cuddle time. Last night was the first night they actually got cuddle time though, Owen's still learning to take a bottle, so the first few times were more like protest-time.
Owen has started grabbing toys, but it's still accidental - if there's one in reach when he's waving his hands, he'll grasp it by reflex, and then look surprised when he hits himself in the head with it. We only place soft, head-friendly toys in reach now. :) And he's really starting to get into tummy-time, lasting over 10 minutes on his own. (Tummy-time on mommy or papa's chest lasts much longer). And of course, he babbles non-stop, lots of coos and giggles. We went to Movies for Mommies at the Princess Twin yesterday, and he definitely did not get the lesson on not talking during the movie. He was gurgling away, and laughing like a loon. And staring around like crazy - he's really started to notice other babies, and can't get enough! We have our reunion with our pre-natal class next weekend, and I'm sure he's going to love it. (I also think that all the other babies who are going to be there are girls, which means my little flirt will be in fine form!)
We've also started running, with our awesome jogging stroller. I wait until he looks like he's ready for a nap, then pop him in and off we go - he sleeps the whole time. Right now, he's still lying flat in the jogger, but when he's older and can sit up, we'll do it when he's awake and can enjoy the scenery. I learned quickly during our walks though that he can only take so much staring at the sky before he gets bored and cranky. Love, love, LOVING my stroller.
Next week we're off to the doctor for his two-month shots. I'll get the official weigh-in then, but we're sure that he's closing in on 14 pounds. He's getting heavy in the car-seat bucket! He just keeps growing and growing, sigh. Lots of tiny clothes have already been put away for his little brother or sister one day. Sigh.
Cari, I absolutely love reading your blogs. They're great, I think I can see your English degree shining through (it was English, right...?) And Owen is adorable!! He's sooo cute; I can only imagine what he looks like in real life. You guys are very lucky first-time parents to have such a good little guy :) I'm glad to hear that you are all doing so well. I hope your autumn goes as well as the summer!
Hi Stef, thanks for all the nice comments! I hope you check back and see this - I've been following your blog too, (Glad to hear your interview went well, I'm crossing my fingers for you!) but I don't have an account to comment directly on yours. Hope Australia continues to be good to you, and that things work out with a "real" job soon! cheers, c.
p.s. yep, English! :)
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