Some really cute pictures there, the Cheeri-O is such a smiley guy, I could snap pictures of him all day long.
So, the doctor's appointment went not too badly. Owen is 24.5 inches long, and 13 pounds, 9 ounces, putting him in the 95th percentile for height, and 90th percentile for weight. He's going to be a tall one! He HATED the shots. I don't think he even noticed the second one, he was screaming so much about the first. Poor little guy got his first band-aids, one on each chubby little thigh, because the injection sites bled a little. He had a pretty cranky evening, lots of sobbing and hiccups, but we dosed him with Infant Tylenol and he hic'd himself off to sleep. Thankfully, today he's back to his usual Cheeri-O self, and seems to have forgotten all about it. I just wish Steve and I could!
Speaking of sleep, Owen is sleeping in his crib in his own room now. I get weird looks from people when they look at me sympathetically and say, "oh, and is that hard on you? How are you handling that?" and I'm all "It's GREAT!" But really, Owen makes much more noise in his sleep now, and sometimes even wakes up, coos to himself a bit, and then drops back off - Steve and I have both been sleeping better with him in his own room. And since he's only up once in the night, getting up and going into his room for that middle of the night feed isn't so rough, especially since I get 6-7 hours of sleep before he wants to eat.
We were so proud of the little guy this weekend - we went to a party at our friends' house, it started in the late afternoon and went into the evening. We brought Owen's Pack n Play and set it up in one of the bedrooms so he could nap and even go down at his regular bedtime... and he did! When we finally came home that night about 11:30, he'd already gone down for the night, and he slept right through a diaper change and PJ change, and stayed down until 5 the next morning, when he woke for his usual early morning feed. What an angel!
Here's a question: do all babies LOVE to get their diaper changed, or is this just a weird Owen thing? Seriously, he can be crying, but you put him on the change table, and it's all smiles and giggles. Maybe it's the little nudist in him, but as soon as you start unsnapping his clothes, he gives you the biggest grin, and starts squealing away, he's so happy. It's so funny, and so adorable.
And he's finally noticed all his "friends" we painted in his room - he loves to be held up right next to the Sneetches and just stares and stares at them; sometimes he even reaches for them. The Hop on Pops above the change table get a lot of attention too, but the Sneetches are definitely his favourite. I can't wait until he starts trying to talk to them!
Finally, Owen is not only grabbing onto toys, but now he's bringing them to his mouth for chewing on. He loves his Rumble Bee (it's a bee that vibrates when you pull the tail) and spent the afternoon gnawing on its crinkly wings. (Whoever thought to put cellophane inside of kiddie toys was a genius - Owen loves his "crinkly" toys!) Another favourite that goes right into his mouth is Pokey Bear, and Mama's fingers are a close runner-up. Yes, it's so sweet when your son grabs onto your finger oh-so tight... and then tries to eat it! What's really funny is when he sometimes misses - there is no way he could pass the finger-to-the-nose test they give people who have been drinking, his hand-to-mouth coordination sometimes leaves a little to be desired. But he's getting it more often than not, and it's pretty cute! I'll try and post some pictures of him tasting his toys next time. Cheers!
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