Jake is just happy to be around people, and if there's something he can stick in his mouth (paper, a new toy, someone's fingers) he's in heaven. Owen has been fantastic, in spite of the month of gifts. He's so excited about whatever he gets, we have to talk him into opening further gifts. Which is nice - apparently, Steve's stepsister was telling me her oldest girl, who is three, opens a gift, says "OH! It's just PERFECT! Thank you!" then throws it aside and asks "What's next?" Ah ha, Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come, I see you peeking 'round the tree!!
My gift to Steve was the new Canon Rebel, to ensure we don't miss any more adorable pics of our boys waiting on our old camera. It's gotten lots of use, and I'll have to upload the most recent pics of Christmas. In the meanwhile, here's the photo I used on our Christmas cards:
These next two are funny. Owen got hold of the old camera one day and shot some photos while I was in the bathroom. Obviously these subjects are near and dear to his heart:
And this is out TV. Thomas the Tank Engine on our TV, to be precise; see the tracks? There are about 8 pictures in all, all variations on these themes. Funny!
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