Owen has started clapping his hands! (I meant to mention that in the last post too...) He's been holding a toy in each hand (Peek-a-Blocks or Roll-a-Rounds work best) and banging them together for some time now, and LOVING the noise he could make. And a few days ago he finally got the hang of clapping just his hands. Now he does it all the time! And nothing delights him more than if he starts clapping, and then you join in. Now the clapping has joined screetching as his way of expressing excitement. And he's had lots to be excited about....
Auntie Rachelle had her baby! Her C-section was actually scheduled for today, but she had labour pains early Saturday morning, so Owen's newest cousin arrived a few days early. (And as far as I know Auntie Erica still hasn't had the Pea, poor girl, but that will happen any moment now!) Baby Lily Jade was 6 pounds, 14 ounces, and already has way more hair than Owen! (Big sister Ella was born with lots of hair too.) We got to have a quick visit at the hospital yesterday, and even snuck Owen in with us (the only kids that are supposed to visit are siblings). Rachelle looked great, she said that this recovery is already so much better than last time, so we're very glad about that.
Steve was very funny, he looked at Lily and sighed, Remember when Owen was that small? And I had to laugh, because at 8 lbs 8 ozs, Owen was never that small! Silly Papa. :) Owen wasn't too interested in Lily, although I think he was only pretending. When we first got there, he took a long look at her, and then gave his Uncle Steve a very worried look, with wrinkled forehead and all. I think it was a "Hey, she's cute, but oh yeah, Uncle Steve carries a gun. I'd better pretend that I don't like her AT ALL." I think he'd heard Uncle Steve's joke to Daddy about how now that he has two girls, he has to get a double-barrelled shot gun. Hee.
So, welcome Baby Lily! And Come On Pea!

1 comment:
Hooray for teeth, clapping, almost crawling! That little one will be such a big boy when we get back!
Tell Steve and Rachelle congrats on the new little one and send me a pic of Lily when you get one so I can see!
Hopefully the Pea will come soon too.
My next door neighbour had her little one - in her apartment no less! It all happened so fast she didn't have time to make it to the hospital.
Give the little man a snuggle for me.
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