I had a lot of fun with Amie and "the babies" were a huge hit wherever we went. Heh, the funniest was a group of Americans who had seen the four of us all over the resort. One day the guys stopped us to demand: "Where are your MEN???" (By this time, Amie and I had tired of the looks we were getting from people when we told them we weren't sisters, just friends, and had just started smiling and nodding when people assumed Owen and Abbie were cousins.)
Owen loved the pool, even though it was cooler than our swimming lessons pool at home, but wasn't too keen on the ocean. The sand was take it or leave it. The wedding was fabulous, and even the mystery monsoon that blew in just as we started walking down the aisle to the beachfront gazebo couldn't wreck things. The major deluge caused a mad scramble to the far side of the gazebo where the wind wasn't quite as strong. My brother got completely soaked trying to keep the rain off Amie and Abbie, and a lot of the ceremony pictures feature my arm as I tried to keep Kris' veil from whipping Ryan in the face.
The best part of all is that Ryan didn't even realize it was raining, and couldn't figure out what all the commotion was from the musical chairs going on behind them. He only had eyes for Kristi. That's a guy I KNOW will give my sister the happily ever after she deserves. Too many pictures to post, but here are two:

Please email me if you want to see more, I'll invite you to view our albums in our Yahoo Group. Cheers!
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