My family completely spoiled the JuneBug when Steve and I went to Barrie for Easter. There was a surprise family shower for us. All I can say is, it's a good thing we had completely emptied the Jeep before we drove down in order to bring my dad his tires, because otherwise, we never would have been able to bring everything home with us! My loving and generous Aunts, Uncles and Grandparents got together and got us this lovely high chair:

and a Pack 'n' Play:

which will double as the JuneBug's portable bed when we travel this summer. (And of course, as I think I mentioned in everyone's thank you cards, Steve could NOT wait to get them put together, so again, good thing there was lots of room in the Jeep!)
Geoff, Kris, and "hunkie Unkie Ryan" got the JuneBug's library off to a fabulous start with every Dr. Seuss book containing a character we've painted on the nursery walls, as well as a snuggly blanky that I just can't wait to wrap the baby in for
some cuddles. And my parents (doting grandparents to be!) not only had clothes, a snowsuit, little shoes, toys, a warm, hooded bath towel and a CD of lullabies for the baby, but also little gifts for Steve and I. Not to mention my parents' neighbour, who gave us a gift certificate for Toys R Us, and my sister's best friend Amie (who came by with her adorable little girl, Abbie) who gave us a basket full of "mom-tested" goodies, like baby lotion with baby massage instructions, gripe water, receiving blankets, and various other lotions and potions (including a can of beer, which she insisted was NOT for Steve, but for me, to help my milk come in.)
We felt very loved. Yes mom, I did send written thank you cards to everyone, but for anyone who is reading this here also: thank you again! You are all so wonderful to us, and we're so grateful to have such a loving family.
Steve's family has also been working to spoil the JuneBug. The grandparents-to-be on that side have gone together and gotten us our stroller:

We talked about it, and decided it would be silly to get multiple strollers - I really wanted a jogging stroller, and Steve really had no preference. Rather than get a typical "travel system" (stroller that comes with car-seat bucket attachment) AND a jogging stroller, we opted for just a really good jogging stroller. It doesn't come with the car-seat bucket, but one can be attached to it still, just
like a travel system, so we don't lose out on that benefit. And it handles really smoothly, and folds up quite easily, so I'm looking forward to being able to use it.
And here is the bucket car seat that fits on (kind of a blurry pic, but I'm not getting out the camera and uploading pictures again tonight!) More thank you cards need to be purchased and written out! :)

Painting in the nursery continues, we're nearly done. Now that the weather has finally gotten nice, we've started parking the car in the driveway. As soon as one of his buddies comes over and helps him carry it down to the garage, Steve will sand and paint our dresser/change table. And while he was on his "putting things together" kick, he put our crib together as well (no pics of that yet, I want to show the whole nursery when it's done.) But take my word for it, it's beautiful. All it needs now is the lovely crib bedding, which is another gift from my wonderful parents. Then we just have to get the blinds up in the windows, arrange everything in its place, and we'll be all set!
In the meantime, we're going to be celebrated and spoiled again, first by the folks in my office, and then by my other girlfriends (hosted by the lovely Auntie Erica) at the end of the month. (Note to family members who "showered" us at Easter: you were all sent invitations because we would really like to see you if there's any chance you could make it, and because they are just so cute:

but by no means are you expected to re-shower us in any way. You have all been so generous already, we just wanted to include you in the invites so you could have a keepsake.) And my good friend Rachelle, who will unfortunately be out of town at the end of the month, got the JuneBug some lovely gifts (also from her hubby Steve,
and little Ella) at the little tea party we had at Jill's house a few weekends ago.
Not to mention, we have been working hard on Jamie and Elaine's Stag and Doe for June 3, and Elaine's wedding shower is the day after my baby shower. Before you know it, June 9 will be here: my last day of work! Although my Director thinks I'll only last another week or so, (and my poor manager hyperventilates every time he hears it!) I plan to work up to the 9th, and then have two blissful weeks off (at least!) before the baby comes.
That's not all, but that's all for now. :) Cheers!
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