Our other project for the week was to start decorating the JuneBug's room. Our theme is Dr. Seuss (NOT the Cat in the Hat. I do not like the Cat in the Hat, even before the mind-numbingly awful Mike Meyers movie came out.) Steve borrowed an overhead projector from school, and we made transparencies of our favourite characters and projected them on the wall to use as paint templates, and got to work. We painted the background a really nice green (somewhere between Granny Smith Apple green, and celery green):

We have a pretty good system - Steve does the (multiple!) coats of colour for the critters, and then I do the detailed outlining.
The bad news is, it's taking much longer than we thought. The good news is, it's turning out way, WAY better than we ever thought. We're quite proud of ourselves. We're a little ambitious - once finished, the room will include such loveables as the Sneetches, the Lorax, and the turtles from Yertle the Turtle. So far, we've just finished one character completely: the Yop. He goes "hop, hop, hop, from fingertop to fingertop". I think he's in One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. The balloons from Oh, The Places You'll Go are just having the details finished up, and the little bears (are they bears? Maybe they're something else?) from Hop on Pop are awaiting another coat of yellow. Work in progess:

More pictures to follow as the room comes together. We have our crib all ready to put together once all the painting is done, and we have a change table/dresser and a rocking chair - pretty much everything we need. And three whole months to finish everything off in. Of course, this room puts the rest of our house to shame - it's all still the builder beige that we chose for our one colour (see previous post of me standing in front of a door for a sample of builder beige on the walls). All in good time. Cheers!
So far so good! The room looks great, I can't wait to see it when its all done (and the light fits is perfectly - it was worth lugging it through IKEA all morning!)
-Auntie Kris
What a great idea! Proud grandpa and grandma Rastas think that the nursery is beginning to look really neat. I really love the Yop! I promised greatgrandma & pa Poels to bring them out in the summer to see the finished product. Lots of love, Grandma Rastas
Love the Yop too! You really look terrific (and so does the Junebug's room). Looking forward to seeing the three of you at Easter. Lots of love...Auntie Tina
Oh My gosh I love that room!
Friend Kelly Stillar
soon to be Fleming!
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