Ten signs of Owen's budding environmental awareness:
10. He knows the difference between garbage and recycling.
9. He knows where the garbage goes after the garbage truck picks it up. ("To Mommy's work!")
8. He knows what sorts of things go in the recycling bin ("Recycling! Not garbage!") Also funny: he insists on calling it the "recycling bin", and not the "blue box".
7. When prompted, he can actually list what sorts of things get recycled. ("Cans, plastic, and paper. Not garbage!")
6. He knows that recycling is how you make new things out of old. Unfortunately, thanks to something he saw on TV, he thinks things just all get turned back into themselves - bottles from bottles, etc. (This is only true for metal. Aluminum cans can be recycled into new aluminum cans without any loss or degredation. If you recycle nothing else, PLEASE get those cans in the blue box! Plastics become raw materials for something else - carpet, microfleece, plastic lumber, lots of other plastic things, but not food-grade plastic anymore. Glass typically is ground and used in a road aggregate, or other very base uses. Unless you're talking beer bottles, in which case they are washed and re-used. But glass very, VERY rarely (I am tempted to say never) becomes bottles/jars again.)
5. He knows the difference between the garbage truck and the recycling truck when he sees them on the street!
4. He reminds us to turn off the taps.
3. He seems excited about the prospect of taking stuff to the backyard composter (will be his job when the weather warms up.)
2. Always remembers to turn lights off when he leaves a room.
1. FREAKS OUT if anyone else leaves lights on. This is a HUGE pet peeve of mine with Steve, so I LOVE it when Owen gets on Daddy's case about the lights. :) Go Owen!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Holy Cars!
Okay, Owen was SO WELL BEHAVED! He was so great at the "Baby Party" (did I mention that was how I was billing Babytime? It definitely worked.) He helped Jake get one of the rhythm shakers, and charmed everyone during one of the songs when, during the line "climb a ladder oh so high" he ran over to a poster with a picture of a ladder and pretended to climb! He listened nicely to the story, told the presenter Jen "I love that song!" when we sang My Little Red Wagon, and then even shared his toy cars and played very nicely with another toddler brother during the playtime at the end of the class.
Wow. Mommy was heavy with the praise, you'd better believe it! He did so well, I decided to push our luck. Usually on Thursdays after this class, Jake and I head over to the indoor track at the Waterloo Rec Centre for some running with some other toddler-free girlfriends and their little guys. I loaded up the boys in the jogging stroller, Owen in the jumpseat*, and, armed with the Fisher Price DVD player and the movie Cars, off we went. Jake took a while to settle down, he's got a nasty cold with congestion and horrible runny nose, but again, Owen was a dream. He watched the zamboni clean the ice ("Look at that zamboni GO, Mommy!") and then watched his movie, ate some crackers, and was extremely well behaved.
Maybe it's because he's still got some of his cold, he's just not feeling himself, or maybe it's because he's finally starting to mature, or maybe it's the cough syrup. Whatever it was, I'm recording the memory here, where I can read it in future days when he's less of a dream-guy. Thank you Owen for being such a good boy for Mommy today! I'm very proud of you.
* Yes, this is my stroller, only ours is black and red. The whole reason we bought it was for the ability to add the jumpseat to make it a double. It's been a dream, and I HIGHLY recommend it!
Wow. Mommy was heavy with the praise, you'd better believe it! He did so well, I decided to push our luck. Usually on Thursdays after this class, Jake and I head over to the indoor track at the Waterloo Rec Centre for some running with some other toddler-free girlfriends and their little guys. I loaded up the boys in the jogging stroller, Owen in the jumpseat*, and, armed with the Fisher Price DVD player and the movie Cars, off we went. Jake took a while to settle down, he's got a nasty cold with congestion and horrible runny nose, but again, Owen was a dream. He watched the zamboni clean the ice ("Look at that zamboni GO, Mommy!") and then watched his movie, ate some crackers, and was extremely well behaved.
Maybe it's because he's still got some of his cold, he's just not feeling himself, or maybe it's because he's finally starting to mature, or maybe it's the cough syrup. Whatever it was, I'm recording the memory here, where I can read it in future days when he's less of a dream-guy. Thank you Owen for being such a good boy for Mommy today! I'm very proud of you.
* Yes, this is my stroller, only ours is black and red. The whole reason we bought it was for the ability to add the jumpseat to make it a double. It's been a dream, and I HIGHLY recommend it!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Wish Me Luck
We love Owen's babysitter. We found her through Wee Watch, and she's perfect. She's got three wonderful school-age kids of her own, and Owen adores her. I'm constantly amazed at the stuff she manages to do with the kids - baking, crafts, workbooks. The one downside to home daycare is that if she or her kids are sick, things get a little dicey. Wee Watch does offer backup homecare with another provider, but it would be someone Owen's not familiar with, and kids he doesn't know. Since Steve's mom wasn't working, we just had a Grandma Day whenever this happened. (Not sure how this will work when Steve and I are both back to work this fall, as Steve's mom has started working again....)
Owen is still going to Patty's on Tuesdays and Thursdays, partly to keep him in a schedule, and partly so that Jake gets some quality one-on-one Mommy time. On Thursday mornings, Jake and I go to Babytime at the library. Lots of fun. We tried doing the Tales for Twos program at the library for Owen, and it didn't work. He had no interest in sitting still, or being quiet, or even paying the remotest amount of attention. After wrestling with him for four weeks and only making it through the class once, I gave up.
Patty's kids have the flu. Owen wasn't able to go yesterday, and he probably won't be able to go tomorrow. I'm going to attempt to bring him to Baby Time, and hope that he cooperates. I've been billing it as a Baby Party, since he LOVES babies, and not as Library Time, since he has negative associations with library class. (Luckily, his class was at a different branch, so I have some hope.) Other moms have brought their toddlers on occasion - they sit quietly and help their sibling participate. I don't expect Owen to be quiet, but I do hope we don't have to leave early. Wish me luck tomorrow!
Owen is still going to Patty's on Tuesdays and Thursdays, partly to keep him in a schedule, and partly so that Jake gets some quality one-on-one Mommy time. On Thursday mornings, Jake and I go to Babytime at the library. Lots of fun. We tried doing the Tales for Twos program at the library for Owen, and it didn't work. He had no interest in sitting still, or being quiet, or even paying the remotest amount of attention. After wrestling with him for four weeks and only making it through the class once, I gave up.
Patty's kids have the flu. Owen wasn't able to go yesterday, and he probably won't be able to go tomorrow. I'm going to attempt to bring him to Baby Time, and hope that he cooperates. I've been billing it as a Baby Party, since he LOVES babies, and not as Library Time, since he has negative associations with library class. (Luckily, his class was at a different branch, so I have some hope.) Other moms have brought their toddlers on occasion - they sit quietly and help their sibling participate. I don't expect Owen to be quiet, but I do hope we don't have to leave early. Wish me luck tomorrow!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Road ID
I ordered myself a birthday present. (Well, I ordered myself a present from Owen and Jake, since they're not so big on the shopping these days.) I ordered one of these, in pink. (I'm a lot more tolerant of pink for myself these days, since I'm surrounded by blue. Of course, if Owen had his way, he'd be wearing pink, sparkly Dora running shoes. And if I had my way, he would be too. But his dad nixed that. Also, I'm guessing the other kids in the ball hockey league we're thinking of signing him up for might give him a hard time. Might clash with their jerseys.)
Anyway! Road ID! Good idea! I ordered mine with my name, home number, Steve's work and cell numbers, and noted that I have no allergies, and I'm O Negative. I figure that's got me covered if I get hit by a car. I run, and I also bike, occasionally to work when the weather is good. The bike ride is just under 25 km each way, and I'm thinking of having it more for that than for the running I do, which is mainly on quiet, residential streets. But I think it's a good idea for anyone who does outdoor sports on their own. Heck, it's a good idea even if you walk to work! I have a piece of paper with essentially the same info I carry in my water bottle belt, but someone would have to know to look there. And even if you carry a wallet or something in a bike saddle bag, who's to say that bag is going in the ambulance with you? I like the idea of something I'm wearing, that's highly visible.
As a thank you to me for ordering, the co-owner sent me this lovely email (I'm adding him to our Christmas card list):
We are thrilled to have you as a customer and hope that we can count on you to spread the word about Road ID. In fact, to make it fun to spread the word, we created a unique coupon for you pass along to your friends! Here's the coupon number:
Coupon Number: ThanksCari464374
This coupon is good for $1 off any Road ID order. It can be used up to 20 times in the next 30 days.
So, anyone reading this: please! Use the coupon code. Order one. Because I actually have a friend at work whose wife was hit by a car while out jogging. One of these may have made a difference in her treatment. It definitely would have made a difference in how long it took for him to find out what had happened! (Mom, order one for Dad if he's still biking to the gym. Mapleview is the scariest road in Barrie now!) I'm hoping it will be a conversation piece that will never need to be used for its original purpose. But you never know, and it could end up being the best $20 I spend this year.
Anyway! Road ID! Good idea! I ordered mine with my name, home number, Steve's work and cell numbers, and noted that I have no allergies, and I'm O Negative. I figure that's got me covered if I get hit by a car. I run, and I also bike, occasionally to work when the weather is good. The bike ride is just under 25 km each way, and I'm thinking of having it more for that than for the running I do, which is mainly on quiet, residential streets. But I think it's a good idea for anyone who does outdoor sports on their own. Heck, it's a good idea even if you walk to work! I have a piece of paper with essentially the same info I carry in my water bottle belt, but someone would have to know to look there. And even if you carry a wallet or something in a bike saddle bag, who's to say that bag is going in the ambulance with you? I like the idea of something I'm wearing, that's highly visible.
As a thank you to me for ordering, the co-owner sent me this lovely email (I'm adding him to our Christmas card list):
We are thrilled to have you as a customer and hope that we can count on you to spread the word about Road ID. In fact, to make it fun to spread the word, we created a unique coupon for you pass along to your friends! Here's the coupon number:
Coupon Number: ThanksCari464374
This coupon is good for $1 off any Road ID order. It can be used up to 20 times in the next 30 days.
So, anyone reading this: please! Use the coupon code. Order one. Because I actually have a friend at work whose wife was hit by a car while out jogging. One of these may have made a difference in her treatment. It definitely would have made a difference in how long it took for him to find out what had happened! (Mom, order one for Dad if he's still biking to the gym. Mapleview is the scariest road in Barrie now!) I'm hoping it will be a conversation piece that will never need to be used for its original purpose. But you never know, and it could end up being the best $20 I spend this year.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Great News!
In the Good Things Do Happen To Good People file, we just found out yesterday that friends of ours who have been trying for a baby for a very long time are pregnant! Three months pregnant, actually, and due in early September. (M&M for those of you who know them). Hooray! It is spectacularly wonderful news. Especially in light of the fact that they had an appointment to see a fertility specialist this month to start looking into treatment options. (She had been on Clomid for 6 months, with no results, so this would have been...more than that.)
(I remember just after having had Owen, commenting to this friend that maybe she'd have her first when I had my second, and we could be pregnant together! She laughed and said that while they were waiting, they weren't planning on waiting that long. They're going to be such great parents; it's extra exciting when you know how lucky a little baby is to be joining such a wonderful, loving couple!)
They're also the first of our close friends to also be going with a midwife option, which is great. Her sister was with the same practice we were (I believe her midwife was Amanda) and they've requested the same midwife. Steve was singing the praises of the midwives to our daddy-to-be friend all evening - I'm so glad that our experiences were not only so positive for me, and our boys, but for him as well. Who would have thought that Steve would become a midwifery advocate?
There is good baby news all over the place in our friends' lives. Another couple we know, who were unable to have kids, decided over the summer to begin looking into adoption. They now have three beautiful little ones (two boys and a girl, all siblings) that have been with them for nearly a month now. There were 41 couples interested in adopting these lucky little ones, and our friends are now a proud mama and papa to three under 3! (Good lord how crazy would that be! But I guess if you don't know any different.... Again, we're just so, so happy for them!)
And another girlfriend of mine, who is a wonderful mommy and always wanted a lot of kids but thought her family expansion might have to be put on hold for a while, is expecting a little surprise JuneBug! She just found out he is a boy, and I'm excited to pass on lots of our boy stuff to her, since it's the right season for it all. (She has a daughter who is Owen's age.) Babies, babies, and more babies, blessings everywhere. Life is wonderful.
(I remember just after having had Owen, commenting to this friend that maybe she'd have her first when I had my second, and we could be pregnant together! She laughed and said that while they were waiting, they weren't planning on waiting that long. They're going to be such great parents; it's extra exciting when you know how lucky a little baby is to be joining such a wonderful, loving couple!)
They're also the first of our close friends to also be going with a midwife option, which is great. Her sister was with the same practice we were (I believe her midwife was Amanda) and they've requested the same midwife. Steve was singing the praises of the midwives to our daddy-to-be friend all evening - I'm so glad that our experiences were not only so positive for me, and our boys, but for him as well. Who would have thought that Steve would become a midwifery advocate?
There is good baby news all over the place in our friends' lives. Another couple we know, who were unable to have kids, decided over the summer to begin looking into adoption. They now have three beautiful little ones (two boys and a girl, all siblings) that have been with them for nearly a month now. There were 41 couples interested in adopting these lucky little ones, and our friends are now a proud mama and papa to three under 3! (Good lord how crazy would that be! But I guess if you don't know any different.... Again, we're just so, so happy for them!)
And another girlfriend of mine, who is a wonderful mommy and always wanted a lot of kids but thought her family expansion might have to be put on hold for a while, is expecting a little surprise JuneBug! She just found out he is a boy, and I'm excited to pass on lots of our boy stuff to her, since it's the right season for it all. (She has a daughter who is Owen's age.) Babies, babies, and more babies, blessings everywhere. Life is wonderful.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Friday's List of Ten V
Ten things in my family room that should not be:
10. Clothes. My family of nudists like to disrobe in front of the TV.
9. Dishes. In spite of my best efforts, Daddy insists on eating on the couch. And Owen must monkey-see monkey-do.
8. Fridge magnets. Owen has discovered that they stick to the fireplace.
7. Owen's stroller. Not the one the boys ride in, technically I guess it's his doll Sprouty's stroller. But it was outside and has dirty wheels. Daddy didn't seem to think this was an issue when Owen asked to bring it in. Mommy wasn't around when it happened. Daddy will be cleaning the carpet.
6. Step ladder. Steve replaced a lightbulb. Steve is finished a job when it has been completed, not when all materials necessary have been cleaned up/put away. The ladder will be there until I move it, or he needs it elsewhere. (Good thing I love that man!)
5. A single, forgotten Christmas ornament. (Hmm, that reminds me, the mistletoe is still hanging in the front hall. Maybe that ladder will be getting out of here sooner than I thought!)
4. Teacher stuff. Steve has an office, but he likes to mark in front of the TV.
3. Nail stuff. Not that my nails are even worth manicuring these days, but should they magically grow over the course of a commercial break, I am ready to polish them up!
2. Too many ugly candles. We had a power outage a few weeks ago, and took the opportunity to light a bunch of candles that don't usually see the outside of a closet. Why are they still on the mantle? Why??
1. Me. Why am I not in bed? After a week of sickness and not enough sleep, you'd think I'd crash, but it's nice to have some quiet me-time, even if I am exhausted. Plus, I love you internets so much, I couldn't skip another List of Ten, so you benefit. But that's it, I'm going. G'night!
10. Clothes. My family of nudists like to disrobe in front of the TV.
9. Dishes. In spite of my best efforts, Daddy insists on eating on the couch. And Owen must monkey-see monkey-do.
8. Fridge magnets. Owen has discovered that they stick to the fireplace.
7. Owen's stroller. Not the one the boys ride in, technically I guess it's his doll Sprouty's stroller. But it was outside and has dirty wheels. Daddy didn't seem to think this was an issue when Owen asked to bring it in. Mommy wasn't around when it happened. Daddy will be cleaning the carpet.
6. Step ladder. Steve replaced a lightbulb. Steve is finished a job when it has been completed, not when all materials necessary have been cleaned up/put away. The ladder will be there until I move it, or he needs it elsewhere. (Good thing I love that man!)
5. A single, forgotten Christmas ornament. (Hmm, that reminds me, the mistletoe is still hanging in the front hall. Maybe that ladder will be getting out of here sooner than I thought!)
4. Teacher stuff. Steve has an office, but he likes to mark in front of the TV.
3. Nail stuff. Not that my nails are even worth manicuring these days, but should they magically grow over the course of a commercial break, I am ready to polish them up!
2. Too many ugly candles. We had a power outage a few weeks ago, and took the opportunity to light a bunch of candles that don't usually see the outside of a closet. Why are they still on the mantle? Why??
1. Me. Why am I not in bed? After a week of sickness and not enough sleep, you'd think I'd crash, but it's nice to have some quiet me-time, even if I am exhausted. Plus, I love you internets so much, I couldn't skip another List of Ten, so you benefit. But that's it, I'm going. G'night!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
My Kids Are Cute!
I kept Owen home from the babysitters today. He's better, no more fever, and seems to be mostly back to himself, but you never know. (Okay, what kind of fever just comes on at bedtime? It was a horrible night, Owen was restless, Jake was restless, therefore Mommy was restless. I'm so tired. Why am I not in bed??)
We did, however, go to the grocery store. We needed milk, and a few other odds and ends. I was very pleased with Owen. Often, when a stranger starts talking to him, he'll play shy, or yell "NO!" at them. But he had a lovely conversation with the checkout girl. To wit:
Check Out Girl: And how are you today?
Owen: (smiles shyly) Good. (pause.) We ran out of SYRUP!
COG: Oh! Well, that's not good.
O: We had to buy some more at the store.
COG: What sorts of things do you like to put syrup on? (Uh oh, I'm thinking, a question. Yelling is sure to follow...)
O: French toast! It's delicious!
COG: (obviously smitten with my son at this point) How old are you?
O: Two.
COG: Is that your little brother or sister in there? (Jake was in the bucket, facing away from her).
O: My baby brother. He's Baby Jakey!
COG: Do you help take care of him?
O: Yes. I love my baby brother! (At this point, I'm wondering just how high the fever was last night, because this charming little gent is NOT the usual public facade of my son!)
COG: You have a good day now, okay?
O: Okay! Thank you! Bye!
Seriously, that is the first Owen conversation with a stranger that did not degerate into Owen just yelling "NO TALKING ME!" at them. It was a milestone, and Mommy made much of Owen and how nice he was to the nice girl, and how proud mommy was of his nice conversation all the way home. (There may also have been M&Ms involved. Nothing like a little positive re-inforcement!)
Jake is also very cute these days. He claps his hands. He waves, but in his own v-e-r-y subtle way. He holds up a hand, fingers splayed, and only waves the thumb. It took me a while to figure out that's what he was doing. Finally, I've actually been doing a small bit of sign language with Jake. One of the signs we do is for "nurse". (A presenter recommended teaching this sign instead of "milk"* when breastfeeding, so that baby doesn't get frustrated when they ask for "milk" once they are weaned and they no longer get the breast, but actual milk.)
The sign I learned for "nurse" is to brush your hand down your chest just above your breast (fingers held together, palm in towards you - picture it like brushing the milk down to your breast... um, from your shoulder, I suppose.) Anyway, Jake has started signing when he wants to nurse! Except, again, it took me a little bit to figure it out, because he doesn't brush so much as tap, and he doesn't do it to himself, he does it to me! He'll reach out and tap my chest, just where I do it when I'm signing. Clever monkey! And now even Steve knows that when he's holding Jake, and Jake starts pounding on his chest, it's time to hand him off to Mommy for something to eat. :)
* Squeezing your fist, reminscient of milking a cow. Another reason I'm not too keen on this sign for nursing! :)
We did, however, go to the grocery store. We needed milk, and a few other odds and ends. I was very pleased with Owen. Often, when a stranger starts talking to him, he'll play shy, or yell "NO!" at them. But he had a lovely conversation with the checkout girl. To wit:
Check Out Girl: And how are you today?
Owen: (smiles shyly) Good. (pause.) We ran out of SYRUP!
COG: Oh! Well, that's not good.
O: We had to buy some more at the store.
COG: What sorts of things do you like to put syrup on? (Uh oh, I'm thinking, a question. Yelling is sure to follow...)
O: French toast! It's delicious!
COG: (obviously smitten with my son at this point) How old are you?
O: Two.
COG: Is that your little brother or sister in there? (Jake was in the bucket, facing away from her).
O: My baby brother. He's Baby Jakey!
COG: Do you help take care of him?
O: Yes. I love my baby brother! (At this point, I'm wondering just how high the fever was last night, because this charming little gent is NOT the usual public facade of my son!)
COG: You have a good day now, okay?
O: Okay! Thank you! Bye!
Seriously, that is the first Owen conversation with a stranger that did not degerate into Owen just yelling "NO TALKING ME!" at them. It was a milestone, and Mommy made much of Owen and how nice he was to the nice girl, and how proud mommy was of his nice conversation all the way home. (There may also have been M&Ms involved. Nothing like a little positive re-inforcement!)
Jake is also very cute these days. He claps his hands. He waves, but in his own v-e-r-y subtle way. He holds up a hand, fingers splayed, and only waves the thumb. It took me a while to figure out that's what he was doing. Finally, I've actually been doing a small bit of sign language with Jake. One of the signs we do is for "nurse". (A presenter recommended teaching this sign instead of "milk"* when breastfeeding, so that baby doesn't get frustrated when they ask for "milk" once they are weaned and they no longer get the breast, but actual milk.)
The sign I learned for "nurse" is to brush your hand down your chest just above your breast (fingers held together, palm in towards you - picture it like brushing the milk down to your breast... um, from your shoulder, I suppose.) Anyway, Jake has started signing when he wants to nurse! Except, again, it took me a little bit to figure it out, because he doesn't brush so much as tap, and he doesn't do it to himself, he does it to me! He'll reach out and tap my chest, just where I do it when I'm signing. Clever monkey! And now even Steve knows that when he's holding Jake, and Jake starts pounding on his chest, it's time to hand him off to Mommy for something to eat. :)
* Squeezing your fist, reminscient of milking a cow. Another reason I'm not too keen on this sign for nursing! :)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Are You Kidding Me?
Jake is well. Owen is sick. Jake hasn't thrown up in over 24 hours, so I'm pretty sure he's on the mend. (Messy diapers continue, but those I can handle.) Owen, on the other hand, has spiked a mystery fever. Halfway through his swimming lesson tonight, he started shivering, and he had a terrible chill. By the time we got home and got him into bed, he was burning up. So, kiddie Tylenol ("the white kind, Mommy, not the cherry!") and lots of water, and hopefully he'll feel better in the morning. I guess he's not going to the babysitter tomorrow, regardless, which means I won't get in the naps I was counting on with Jake to start to recover from some missed sleep. Sigh. Such is life. Something pretty good must be just around the corner!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Mystery Plague
Great return on me, hmmm? Well, I am just chock-full (is that hyphenated?) of excuses. Let's say that I had walking pneumonia (well, probably not, since it's clearing up without antibiotics, but how weird was it to roll over in bed and hear my lungs groan? Steve thought my stomach was always rumbling - it was my LUNGS creaking away! That's what I get for running with a cold. As of today, no more lung-grumbling, no more fatigue, lots of coughing, sounding worse and feeling better than I have in days.) So, lots of extra sleep every chance I had, not much time for writing. And then, Jake.
Hoo boy. He is the happiest sick kid ever, since well, Owen. Jake's been throwing up since Saturday night. That's right, Happy Valentine's Day, Mommy. (He made it himself. Ew.) I put him to bed, and a few hours later, heard his hungry cry. Went in to get him, and put my hand in a puddle when I went to pick him up - yuck! Poor babe - even had puke in his ear! He wasn't upset, until I turned on the light to change his pjs and sheet. (Poor Steve was sound asleep in Owen's room, I had to go in and wake him for his help.) A few hours later, same thing. And then on and off throughout the weekend. No fever, no other symptoms at all - still happy, still playing, still full of energy, just once in a while, when his tummy was full, bleah.
Jake's on solids now, but I hadn't introduced anything new this past week. He had rice cereal and peas/carrots mush for dinner on Saturday, again, nothing new, so I don't think it was food, but I haven't given him any more solids yet. He's been back to just breastfeeding, and as long as I keep the feeds small, he's fine. But when he eats a lot, he's sick. Because of no other symptoms, I didn't call the doctor's office until today. Yesterday he was only sick once, so I said that if he was through the night without getting sick, that would be it. Four o'clock in the morning, I go in to feed him, and am dozing in the rocking chair. I'm not paying attention to how much he's eating (I'm barely even aware that I'm in the room, actually) until he throws up all over me. Yuck.
Today I talked to the doctor's office. I really didn't want to take him in - he was keeping some breastmilk down, having lots of wet and dirty diapers, and really, except for the occasional episode of vomiting, was his normal, happy self. But I have that little voice that lurks in the back of every mom's head, telling me, What if it IS something? What if something turns out to be horribly wrong with the baby, and then I become that cautionary tale about the mom who's baby was throwing up for THREE DAYS and she never even thought to call the doctor....
Anyway, I'm glad I called, because I feel better. They were more than willing to see him right away today, but I decided to give him another 24 hours. Apparently there's a flu bug going around. Owen and I both had the flu shot - I am 100% positive that what I've had the past few days is NOT flu, and Owen's fine. Steve's fine too, no thanks to the flu shot, but I'm inclined to think this is what Jake has. And the doctor's assistant reminded me that the first time Owen was sick, he was perfectly happy too, except for the throwing up. (I remembered that, but it's nice that THEY remembered too!) Anyway, they're happy to see us tomorrow too if I call and need to come in, but Jake's been fine today (two runny, messy diapers, but that could be just being back on straight breastmilk again too). If he makes it through the night too, I'll feel relieved and like we're definitely over this. Cross your fingers for us!
p.s. Cautionary tale: Saturday during the day, before any sign of sickness, I was changing a diaper with a tiny poop inside. While I was changing him, Mr. Play-Doh Fun Factory decided to give a gift that kept on giving! He kept trying to poop on me, and let's say that I went through a clean diaper, a handful of wipes, and eventually just had to let the change pad catch the end of things. I told him that was the most disgusting thing he had done to me in his entire life. Less than 12 hours later the kid throws up on me. Make of that what you will.
Hoo boy. He is the happiest sick kid ever, since well, Owen. Jake's been throwing up since Saturday night. That's right, Happy Valentine's Day, Mommy. (He made it himself. Ew.) I put him to bed, and a few hours later, heard his hungry cry. Went in to get him, and put my hand in a puddle when I went to pick him up - yuck! Poor babe - even had puke in his ear! He wasn't upset, until I turned on the light to change his pjs and sheet. (Poor Steve was sound asleep in Owen's room, I had to go in and wake him for his help.) A few hours later, same thing. And then on and off throughout the weekend. No fever, no other symptoms at all - still happy, still playing, still full of energy, just once in a while, when his tummy was full, bleah.
Jake's on solids now, but I hadn't introduced anything new this past week. He had rice cereal and peas/carrots mush for dinner on Saturday, again, nothing new, so I don't think it was food, but I haven't given him any more solids yet. He's been back to just breastfeeding, and as long as I keep the feeds small, he's fine. But when he eats a lot, he's sick. Because of no other symptoms, I didn't call the doctor's office until today. Yesterday he was only sick once, so I said that if he was through the night without getting sick, that would be it. Four o'clock in the morning, I go in to feed him, and am dozing in the rocking chair. I'm not paying attention to how much he's eating (I'm barely even aware that I'm in the room, actually) until he throws up all over me. Yuck.
Today I talked to the doctor's office. I really didn't want to take him in - he was keeping some breastmilk down, having lots of wet and dirty diapers, and really, except for the occasional episode of vomiting, was his normal, happy self. But I have that little voice that lurks in the back of every mom's head, telling me, What if it IS something? What if something turns out to be horribly wrong with the baby, and then I become that cautionary tale about the mom who's baby was throwing up for THREE DAYS and she never even thought to call the doctor....
Anyway, I'm glad I called, because I feel better. They were more than willing to see him right away today, but I decided to give him another 24 hours. Apparently there's a flu bug going around. Owen and I both had the flu shot - I am 100% positive that what I've had the past few days is NOT flu, and Owen's fine. Steve's fine too, no thanks to the flu shot, but I'm inclined to think this is what Jake has. And the doctor's assistant reminded me that the first time Owen was sick, he was perfectly happy too, except for the throwing up. (I remembered that, but it's nice that THEY remembered too!) Anyway, they're happy to see us tomorrow too if I call and need to come in, but Jake's been fine today (two runny, messy diapers, but that could be just being back on straight breastmilk again too). If he makes it through the night too, I'll feel relieved and like we're definitely over this. Cross your fingers for us!
p.s. Cautionary tale: Saturday during the day, before any sign of sickness, I was changing a diaper with a tiny poop inside. While I was changing him, Mr. Play-Doh Fun Factory decided to give a gift that kept on giving! He kept trying to poop on me, and let's say that I went through a clean diaper, a handful of wipes, and eventually just had to let the change pad catch the end of things. I told him that was the most disgusting thing he had done to me in his entire life. Less than 12 hours later the kid throws up on me. Make of that what you will.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Here I Am
I know you all were wondering where I was. (And that none of you could sleep at night, wondering what you possibly missed on the latest List of 10.) We've been very busy the last little bit. Last Thursday evening we took the boys to see Bob the Builder at Centre in the Square. (Christmas gift from Grandpa Jim and Grandma Sue). Owen LOVED it. (Jake was happy watching all the other kids.) Owen was mesmerized by the entire show, a little scared by the "trash monster", and talked NON-STOP about it for days afterwards. Still this morning, on the way to daycare, he asked me in the Jeep, "Mommy, please tell the story of Lofty's not the trash monster?"
Then Friday I took the boys to Barrie for my mom and grandma's birthdays over the weekend. We had lots of fun, visiting with Grandma and Grandpa, Great-Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Tina and Uncle Doug, and Uncle Geoff and Auntie Tania. Owen loved having so many people to play with, and he especially loved Grandma's chocolate ice-cream cake. It was Winterfest in Barrie, so we took the boys down to the lakeshore for some fun. Owen went in the ice maze, went down the snow slide, and had his first ever pony ride. Mommy forgot the camera of course, but Grandma brought hers, so I will add pics when I receive them. (And I promise to get the software loaded for my new camera this week, so I can add the birthday dinner pics I took, and send those around.)
Speaking of photos, I finally have some to share. I finally got some professional shots done of Jake. He's adorable, and they turned our really well. Here are some sample proofs, they're from Zelia Bester Photography Studios:

Then Friday I took the boys to Barrie for my mom and grandma's birthdays over the weekend. We had lots of fun, visiting with Grandma and Grandpa, Great-Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Tina and Uncle Doug, and Uncle Geoff and Auntie Tania. Owen loved having so many people to play with, and he especially loved Grandma's chocolate ice-cream cake. It was Winterfest in Barrie, so we took the boys down to the lakeshore for some fun. Owen went in the ice maze, went down the snow slide, and had his first ever pony ride. Mommy forgot the camera of course, but Grandma brought hers, so I will add pics when I receive them. (And I promise to get the software loaded for my new camera this week, so I can add the birthday dinner pics I took, and send those around.)
Speaking of photos, I finally have some to share. I finally got some professional shots done of Jake. He's adorable, and they turned our really well. Here are some sample proofs, they're from Zelia Bester Photography Studios:

Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Oh Baby!
Jake and I just got back from our Fit Babies fitness class. In spite of the name, Jake is not working off his lovely baby chub, it's all about mommy. (Fit Babies is the class for mommies, Fit Bellies is the class for preggos.) Our instructor, Leigh, mentioned that she has room in her Monday morning session that is starting next week, so I just thought I'd give her a bit of a plug here. (Not that I have a big enough audience for that to make a difference, but I'm really enjoying this class, and I really like Leigh, so I'm plugging away anyway.)
We're three classes into this session (I've done a fourth class, a "sample" one before Christmas) and I'm loving it. Leigh is a great instructor. She's a mom herself, and after a sedentary first pregnancy, and still having the "baby weight" three years after the birth of her son, she got fit, got active, became a fitness instructor herself, and started Oh Baby Fitness. She maintained her fitness level through the birth of her daughter, and is helping other mommies.
The class is great. She works us pretty hard. We start with cardio, and she always shows a few different intensity options (there are moms with TINY babies in our class. I'm talking 6 weeks old when we started! Those girls are awesome. I, on the other hand, have no excuse at 7 months postpartum, and try to keep up at the highest intensity. I certainly have the highest intensity of colour in my face during the class!) For the cardio session, the babies chill on mats, playing with their toys. The really little ones doze in their car seats. Some of the older babies are moving, and we all keep an eye out for them, as they can sometimes get underfoot. It's a bit crazy, but so FUN! And like Stars and Strollers, everyone has a baby, so no one cares if there's some crying, or if you have to stop to soothe or feed your little one.
After cardio, we do some "weights". Usually by this point, the babies are ready to be picked up, so we use them as our weights. Jake was at the doctor yesterday for his shots, and he weighs 18 pounds. Big boy! So this is fun. We hold the babies for squats and lunges, and do bicep curls and shoulder lifts with them. Leigh is really good at making sure everyone keeps proper form, even with a baby in our arms.
Finally, we do some work down on the mats. We get in a big circle, alternating mommies and babies on mats, for some leg lifts and ab work, ending with stretching. When we're done, everyone grabs a snack, several of us are usually feeding by that point, and we stay in the circle for a discussion. We've had a guest speaker from Talking Hands talk about infant sign language, last week we discussed daycare options (those of us with older kids did most of the talking about what is out there locally) and this week we talked about how life has changed. I think next week our topic is postpartum bodies - how THOSE have changed. Happily, this postpartum body is starting to make me smile again. I've still got a way to go before I can fit into all my lovely work clothes, but I'm feeling strong and capable these days, which is great.
Jake has done really well for the classes. In fact, the first class we tried out, he slept through most of it! This class starts at 10:15, which is usually his morning nap time. We drop Owen at Patty's house a little later than normal, then head to the gym for 10. This give me time to get him settled and nurse before class starts. He naps in the car while we do the running around, but won't nap in class. Luckily for me, we've always been in the "cool down" portion of the cardio before he's lost it and needed to be picked up, so I've been able to "cool down" with him in my arms. He loves to laugh in my face as I'm lifting him, and loves to snuggle in to my chest for squats, so after those cuddles, he's quite happy to sit right next to me on the mat for the end. Not sure how things will go once he starts moving, but so far, so good!
So, if you're interested in a great mommy workout that's fun and baby-friendly, I highly recommend Leigh and Oh Baby Fitness. (Um, I'd probably recommend her for a pre-natal workout too, but I have no direct experience with those.) And if you're not in KW, but you're a mommy who thinks this class sounds like a good idea, google "Post Natal Fitness" for your city - chances are, there's a similar type of class near you. (Although you won't have as great an instructor as I do. Just kidding!)
We're three classes into this session (I've done a fourth class, a "sample" one before Christmas) and I'm loving it. Leigh is a great instructor. She's a mom herself, and after a sedentary first pregnancy, and still having the "baby weight" three years after the birth of her son, she got fit, got active, became a fitness instructor herself, and started Oh Baby Fitness. She maintained her fitness level through the birth of her daughter, and is helping other mommies.
The class is great. She works us pretty hard. We start with cardio, and she always shows a few different intensity options (there are moms with TINY babies in our class. I'm talking 6 weeks old when we started! Those girls are awesome. I, on the other hand, have no excuse at 7 months postpartum, and try to keep up at the highest intensity. I certainly have the highest intensity of colour in my face during the class!) For the cardio session, the babies chill on mats, playing with their toys. The really little ones doze in their car seats. Some of the older babies are moving, and we all keep an eye out for them, as they can sometimes get underfoot. It's a bit crazy, but so FUN! And like Stars and Strollers, everyone has a baby, so no one cares if there's some crying, or if you have to stop to soothe or feed your little one.
After cardio, we do some "weights". Usually by this point, the babies are ready to be picked up, so we use them as our weights. Jake was at the doctor yesterday for his shots, and he weighs 18 pounds. Big boy! So this is fun. We hold the babies for squats and lunges, and do bicep curls and shoulder lifts with them. Leigh is really good at making sure everyone keeps proper form, even with a baby in our arms.
Finally, we do some work down on the mats. We get in a big circle, alternating mommies and babies on mats, for some leg lifts and ab work, ending with stretching. When we're done, everyone grabs a snack, several of us are usually feeding by that point, and we stay in the circle for a discussion. We've had a guest speaker from Talking Hands talk about infant sign language, last week we discussed daycare options (those of us with older kids did most of the talking about what is out there locally) and this week we talked about how life has changed. I think next week our topic is postpartum bodies - how THOSE have changed. Happily, this postpartum body is starting to make me smile again. I've still got a way to go before I can fit into all my lovely work clothes, but I'm feeling strong and capable these days, which is great.
Jake has done really well for the classes. In fact, the first class we tried out, he slept through most of it! This class starts at 10:15, which is usually his morning nap time. We drop Owen at Patty's house a little later than normal, then head to the gym for 10. This give me time to get him settled and nurse before class starts. He naps in the car while we do the running around, but won't nap in class. Luckily for me, we've always been in the "cool down" portion of the cardio before he's lost it and needed to be picked up, so I've been able to "cool down" with him in my arms. He loves to laugh in my face as I'm lifting him, and loves to snuggle in to my chest for squats, so after those cuddles, he's quite happy to sit right next to me on the mat for the end. Not sure how things will go once he starts moving, but so far, so good!
So, if you're interested in a great mommy workout that's fun and baby-friendly, I highly recommend Leigh and Oh Baby Fitness. (Um, I'd probably recommend her for a pre-natal workout too, but I have no direct experience with those.) And if you're not in KW, but you're a mommy who thinks this class sounds like a good idea, google "Post Natal Fitness" for your city - chances are, there's a similar type of class near you. (Although you won't have as great an instructor as I do. Just kidding!)
Monday, February 02, 2009
So there was this big sporting event on last night...
Best part of last night's Superbowl Halftime show?
Clarence plays a mean sax, but I've got a fever, and the only prescription is... MORE COWBELL!
'Nough said.
Clarence plays a mean sax, but I've got a fever, and the only prescription is... MORE COWBELL!
'Nough said.
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Today I managed to get in a run. And not just any run, a GREAT run. Jake and I did 5K, outside. Hills. I felt STRONG. It's a good feeling. My first outdoor run since before Christmas, and as sloppy as it is out there, I felt great the whole way. And is it ever sloppy out - we're having a slight thaw, mostly because of how sunny it was today. Which means lots of melting, but the drifts are all so high and come so far into the roads, the storm drains are all still covered. Which means HUGE puddles. (Yes, I run on the road in the winter. People around here are good at clearing their sidewalks, but not everyone can get them clear down to concrete every time, and it doesn't take much to slip. Also, with the drifts as high as they are, not everyone on a corner has cleared out to the street, so I can't follow my regular routes. So I run in the road. I run facing traffic, I wear my day-glo safety vest, and I always check over my shoulder before going around parked cars. I also make eye contact with all drivers headed my way. I've been surprised - most people who refuse to even move over a bit or even slow down seem to be women with kids in the back. Most people who slow up and give me extra space also give me a huge smile. I'm guessing these are the other people I tend to see running in the neighbourhood.)
Where was I? Oh yes. Huge puddles. So my feet got very wet, very fast. But the thing I had the most trouble with were the ice/snow chunks. Lots of people were taking advantage of the slight thaw to chip up the last bit of snow/ice covering their driveways/sidewalks to get them completely clear. However, lots of these people chose to push this heavy stuff out into the road, instead of trying to throw it up onto the 8 foot snowbanks (not that I blame them). Now, I LOVE my jogging stroller. It handles like a dream, through snow, slush, dirt, gravel, and puddles. But not through ice chunks. It's light (as a jogging stroller should be) and easily gets misdirected by these huge chunks, especially when I'm only guiding it with one hand. I got hung up twice, when oncoming traffic made me hug the snowbanks as much as possible, and the chunks directed my tires into the snowbank. Happily Jake slept through the slight jar both times, but I did my best to steer clear of the piles of chunks whenever possible.
The best part about a day with a great run in it? Aside from my running high, I want the good feeling to last, so I want to eat better. It's Superbowl Sunday, and it would have been easy to pick up all kinds of goodies in the name of the game. Steve requested Timmy's this morning, and I obliged him. He's been feeling pretty under the weather, so I've done my best today to keep the kids occupied. I took the boys to Timmy's, but I stuck to just my coffee-with-milk, no treats for me. And after dinner, I took Owen to the store for ice cream. Brought home strawberry and chocolate, as per his instructions. Owen and daddy happily had ice cream for their Superbowl treat, but I made myself take a long look at the nutrition information on the labels, and passed. I didn't work this hard today to blow it all on one bowl of Haagen-Das. This needs to be my mindset - I can't reward "good behaviour" with food.
In other news, I'm back in my pre-pregnancy jeans as of today, which is probably what inspired me to run in the first place. Not my "skinny" size 10 jeans, but my size 12s. For a girl who's 6 foot 1, size 12 is awesome. But I'm coming for those 10s!
Where was I? Oh yes. Huge puddles. So my feet got very wet, very fast. But the thing I had the most trouble with were the ice/snow chunks. Lots of people were taking advantage of the slight thaw to chip up the last bit of snow/ice covering their driveways/sidewalks to get them completely clear. However, lots of these people chose to push this heavy stuff out into the road, instead of trying to throw it up onto the 8 foot snowbanks (not that I blame them). Now, I LOVE my jogging stroller. It handles like a dream, through snow, slush, dirt, gravel, and puddles. But not through ice chunks. It's light (as a jogging stroller should be) and easily gets misdirected by these huge chunks, especially when I'm only guiding it with one hand. I got hung up twice, when oncoming traffic made me hug the snowbanks as much as possible, and the chunks directed my tires into the snowbank. Happily Jake slept through the slight jar both times, but I did my best to steer clear of the piles of chunks whenever possible.
The best part about a day with a great run in it? Aside from my running high, I want the good feeling to last, so I want to eat better. It's Superbowl Sunday, and it would have been easy to pick up all kinds of goodies in the name of the game. Steve requested Timmy's this morning, and I obliged him. He's been feeling pretty under the weather, so I've done my best today to keep the kids occupied. I took the boys to Timmy's, but I stuck to just my coffee-with-milk, no treats for me. And after dinner, I took Owen to the store for ice cream. Brought home strawberry and chocolate, as per his instructions. Owen and daddy happily had ice cream for their Superbowl treat, but I made myself take a long look at the nutrition information on the labels, and passed. I didn't work this hard today to blow it all on one bowl of Haagen-Das. This needs to be my mindset - I can't reward "good behaviour" with food.
In other news, I'm back in my pre-pregnancy jeans as of today, which is probably what inspired me to run in the first place. Not my "skinny" size 10 jeans, but my size 12s. For a girl who's 6 foot 1, size 12 is awesome. But I'm coming for those 10s!
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