Wow, time has just flown by. Being back at work is definitely keeping my busy, and with all the fun and travel for Lee Ann and Evan's wedding this fall, I've almost forgotten that I have a blog! Owen is in daycare now that Steve is back to school too. We have a wonderful lady named Patty who takes care of him and three little girls in her home. Owen just loves it there. Owen keeps growing and growing - he's got 11 teeth, lots of hair, weighs 23 lbs, and is closing in on three feet tall! He's talking up a storm, with a vocabulary of over two dozen words. He's so smart, he'll go over to his bookshelf and select the right book you ask him for, he helps mommy and daddy match up shoes when we go out, and he'll even get his own diaper and change mat out when it's time for a change!
Rather than trying to write a whole big update, I'll try to make a couple over the next few days. That will give me a chance to add lots of pictures too. :)
Coming up: Owen at the cottage this summer, Mommy's Try-a-Tri, and a great website! In the meantime, here are some pictures of Owen playing at his water table (his birthday present from mommy and daddy):