March actually came in like a lion, weather-wise, but since Owen is sleeping like a lamb for naps and at night now, it's wonderful. This past Friday was a snow-day for Steve's school, so we had Papa home for an extra-long weekend, which was really nice. I got to sleep in, and he got up with Owen in the morning. (Owen wakes to nurse just after 6 am, but after feeding, we can get another hour of sleep out of him, so I got up with him at 6, put him back down, and then Steve got up with him just after 7, and fed him breakfast). When I did get up, the house was super quiet, which was strange, because it was nap time. Nap time has still been kind of a fussy period - Owen didn't want to just go into his crib, but he had started struggling when being rocked to sleep - not too easy! But sure enough, he was sleeping. I asked Steve how he got him down, and he told me that he just put Owen in his crib, piled in ALL his stuffed bears with him, turned on the music, and left. Owen fell asleep on his own!
Now, he's been doing that for bedtime for several weeks, so we knew he could do it, but he just would not do it for naps. Trust Papa to think of putting all his bears in there with him to keep him company! And it's been working for every nap since - when Owen is tired, we pop him in his crib, all his "friends" are in there, and sometimes he talks to them for a bit, sometimes he flings them around a bit, but he eventually falls asleep, no fussing at all! And best of all, he wakes up happy! Cooing, and talking to the bears, instead of crying and wailing, like he used to wake from naps! I'm so happy. Here is a picture from that first nap with the bears: (Steve had just put the bears in the crib with him, so Owen is the one who piled them up like this!)
What a cutie!
I also tried to get a picture of his teeth to show off, but you can really only see the larger one as kind of a bump in this shot:
And finally, I have another video to share, of Owen clapping his hands, and showing off his musical stylings! Enjoy!