Wow, it's been a busy few weeks! After making us wait for nearly two extra weeks, Owen Edward Howard finally graced us with his presence on July 7, 2006. That's right, the JuneBug is actually a July Guy! But he's been well worth the wait. He weighed 8 lbs, 8 ozs, and was 22 inches long. I can't believe he's three weeks old already - he's up over 10 pounds, and 24 inches long now! From the beginning he's been such a great little guy, he makes this parenting thing really easy on us. He's great at nursing, he had a fantastic latch right from the start. He is an excellent sleeper, letting us get at least one four-hour stretch each night. As he gets bigger, he's only up once or twice through the night, so Steve and I are getting lots of sleep. And he's a pretty easy going guy too - only fusses when hungry, occasionally if his diaper is messy, and when he's hot. (The weather has been brutal the past week! We don't have central air, but thank goodness for our room air conditioners in our bedroom and family room. He's pretty comfy most of the time, we just let him lounge around in just his diaper. Some pics of our little prince:

More pictures and Owen's birth story to follow....cheers!